OK we need some details of your property now
Name *
Address *
Suburb *
Type of Property *Type of Property*Select...HouseFlat/Unit/ApartmentTownhouseStudio
Property Status *Property Status*Select...VacantOccupied
Age of Property *Age of Property*Select...1-5 years6-10 years11-25 yearsover 25 years
No. of Bedrooms *No. of Bedrooms*Select...123455+
No of Bathrooms *No of Bathrooms*Select...1233+
Car Parking *Car Parking*Select...12345
Air Conditioned *Air Conditioned*Select...YesPartlyNo
Has the property been renovated? *Has the property been renovated?*Select...yesno
Please include any additional items that may be relevant to the value of your property eg. city views, security, ceiling fans etc.
Additional Features